How to Manage Assessments

Studies Weekly Online offers multiple ways to assess students’ progress.

After each week within a Unit, there is a Weekly Assessment, found in the Table of Contents. To familiarize yourself with the Table of Contents, visit the How to Navigate the Table of Contents article in the Help Center.

Before students take assessments, they prepare by answering formative comprehension questions at the end of each article. Students earn coins by answering the questions and can use their coins to play the embedded online games called Study Buddies and Explorers.

Once students have completed all the Weekly Assessments, they will be ready to take the summative Unit Assessment. Not every publication will have a Unit Assessment. 

Preview and Edit the Assessment

Teachers can preview assessments from the Table of Contents of the publication.

In the Table of Contents, navigate to the desired week and click the Assessment

This will open the Student View of the assessment. Here, teachers can preview the questions and take the assessment as a student. If you would like to make changes, click the Teacher Actions dropdown, then select the +Customized Content button. This will create a copy of the assessment so it can be edited.

Questions can be removed, reorganized, and additional questions can be added. For detailed instructions on creating customized content visit the How to Create Customized Content article.

Assign the Assessment

By default the assessment is enabled and visible to the students in the selected classroom. To disable or make it hidden, click the blue toggle. It will turn gray and be hidden from students. 

Grade the Assessment

Assessments are automatically graded, but teachers may need to grade an open response question. To grade open response questions, navigate to Grade and follow the steps in the article How to Navigate the Grade Section.