There are two types of vocabulary reviews in Studies Weekly Online publications: Crossword and Misspilled. There must be 3 new vocabulary words for the week to constitute a Crossword. If there are less than 3, a Crossword will not be available.
From your Studies Weekly Online account and within the desired Classroom Card:
- Click the desired Publication.
- Navigate to a week in the Publication that has a Crossword or Misspilled vocabulary review. These are usually found at the end of the week.
- Click the tabs below to see more detail about what you can do with each type of vocabulary review.
- To view student scores on Crossword and Misspilled vocabulary reviews, visit the How to Use the Classroom Report.
Once students have completed a Crossword, they will click Submit to receive their grade automatically. Students will see a pop-up window with feedback and the number of coins they earned based on their score (see the How to Earn Coins article). Then students will see which words or letters they missed highlighted in red, if applicable.
When students are filling in their Crossword, they will see a Word Bank at the bottom of the screen to assist them in completion.
The Word Bank is available to teachers in the Table of Contents. Teachers can toggle the Word Bank for Crosswords on or off within individual student accounts. Visit the How to Edit Student Accounts article for more information.
From the Teacher Actions dropdown, teachers can also:
- Copy Link: Copy a direct link to the article that can be opened by anyone who has a Studies Weekly Online account and is in a classroom with access to the publication.
- + Customized Content: This allows teachers to edit the prompts and answers to each Crossword. Teachers can also select Reweave Crossword Puzzle to rearrange the words in a different pattern.
- Share LINK with Google Classroom: Share the article to your Google Classroom.
If you make any edits to the original Crossword, Studies Weekly Online will prompt you to make your own copy.
In this activity, students drag and drop words that are spelled correctly and incorrectly to their designated areas. If students drag a word to the wrong side, they receive automatic feedback and will continue until they get all of the words correct. Coins are awarded based on how quickly students finish Misspilled (see the How to Earn Coins article).
From the Teacher Actions dropdown, teachers can also:
- Copy Link: Copy a direct link to the article that can be opened by anyone who has a Studies Weekly Online account and is in a classroom with access to the publication.
- Add Customized Content: This allows teachers to change the word list in each Misspilled activity.
- Share LINK with Google Classroom: Share the article to your Google Classroom.
If you make any edits to the original Misspilled, Studies Weekly Online will prompt you to make your own copy.
See the How to Play Misspilled article for a summary of the game from a student’s perspective.