August 2023 Updates

Language Option for Customized Content

Customized Content questions can now be read to students in English or Spanish. A dropdown box was added in the bottom right corner when creating Customized Content. If a teacher types a question in Spanish, and chooses Spanish in the dropdown, the voice will have the appropriate accent and pronunciation. If no language is selected, English is the default.

If the questions have answers to choose from, those will also be read in the chosen language.

For more details visit the Customized Content section of the Help Center.


Grade Page Enhancements
  • From with the Table of Contents and on the Grade tab, teachers now see the date and time of submissions, number of coins earned and score for all Assessments, Activities, Crossword, Misspilled and Customized Content. If there are multiple submissions, they will be listed with the date, time, coins, and score of each submission.
  • A quick access dropdown was added so teachers can jump straight to Needs to Be Graded, Incorrect, Correct, or Partially Correct.
  • Teachers can now Edit or Login as a student from the Grade page.
Move Feature in Customized Content
  • The To Do tab will show all customized content with a future due date. By default they are organized by the most recent due date on top. 
  • The Archived tab will show all customized content with an expired due date. Most recent will be at the top.
  • Added Move feature allows teachers to reorder their view of CC for themselves and in the students To Do list. To see the Move icon, you must be on To Do Order in the dropdown.

You may need to clear your cookies and cache in your web browser for this to appear. 


Print Button Added to Reports

The Classroom Report, Progress Report, Assessment Score Report, and Customized Content Report all have a Print button under the publication Dropdown. This allows teachers to save or share reports. 


Feature Toggles Added to Edit Students

The Feature toggles in the People section of a classroom have been updated to allow a teacher to turn on/off Accessibility, Crossword Word Bank, Time Delay, and Vocabulary Definitions at the class level. By default, Accessibility is disabled for all students, all other features are enabled. 

On the student list, if More Features is clicked, the teacher will be taken to the Students account to edit student accounts individually.

Bulk Actions

Login As has been added to the Edit Student pop-up box, along with the same options as the Class Feature Toggles. 

To learn more visit the How to Edit Students Accounts article in the Help Center. 


New Feature When Creating Customized Content 

When a teacher initially creates Customized Content they will now see a message stating “Once any student has started the Customized Content, it can no longer be modified. This includes all content within the Customized Content and score point value.” 

This message will be visible next to the current question the teacher is adding to the Customized Content.

Edit Customized Content 

As long as no students have started the Customized Content, the teacher can make edits to questions, answers, and the point value.

When the Customized Content does have responses submitted by any student:

  • Teachers can make changes to the Title, Instructions, and Start/End Date at any time. 
  • If a teacher attempts to make edits to Questions, Answers, or Point Value after any student has begun the Customized Content, a pop-up will appear stating:                                                               “A student has already started the “Insert title of Customized Content” so the Customized Content can no longer be modified. Click OK to create a copy, make any changes, and then click “Create” to save it!” 
    • If a teacher does not want to proceed with changes they will click the Cancel button (X in top right corner of the pop-up).
    • If “Ok” button is clicked, the teacher is taken to a copy of the original Customized Content so the user can make any changes and then click “Create.” 

For more details visit the Customized Content section of the Help Center.

Table of Contents Has a New Look
  • A navigational header was added to label columns. 
  • Bulk off/on button to make the entire Unit and all of its contents Visible or Hidden from Students.
  • Hyperlinks were added to jump right into a week or content item.

Within a week, the sub-navigation bar, also has been updated to be able to reorder content within the week using the Edit button.

  • The options for Copy Link, Printables, the Teacher Edition, Add Customized Content, and Share with Google Classroom have been added to a dropdown box called Teacher Actions

To learn more about navigating publications visit the How to Navigate the Table of Contents and How to Navigate the Weeks Within a Publication articles.


Student Coins have a New Look

Student coins now have a green checkmark when items have been completed. Incomplete items will be grayed out.


Teacher Actions Dropdown

Content coming soon

Previously the items were  listed above the content: 

Release of the School Admin Usage Report

Users with at School Admin credential now have access to a Usage report that includes all users in their building.

To learn more visit the How to Navigate the School Admin Role article.