How to Navigate the People Page

The People page is where teachers can manage other teacher and student accounts that have access to the classroom.

From your Studies Weekly Online account and within the desired Classroom Card, click People.

The People page is divided into two sections. Learn how to navigate the Teachers and Students sections, by clicking the tabs below.

Teachers Students

  1. Invite Teacher to the Classroom: Add a co-teacher to your classroom.
  2. Bulk Actions: Add Coins or Remove the teachers in bulk.
  3. Find Teacher: Search for an assigned teacher in the current classroom.
  4. Sort by: Sort the teacher list by first name, last name, or username.
  5. Teacher Actions: Add Coins or Remove individual teachers from accessing the classroom.


Co-teachers will have the same level of access and permissions as primary teachers. This includes being able to change the week order, week visibility, and manage all aspects of the classroom. Co-teachers can also modify, grade, and change the availability for weekly assessments, Customized Content, and vocabulary reviews. See more details in the How to Share a Class article.