The People page is where teachers can manage other teacher and student accounts that have access to the classroom.
From your Studies Weekly Online account and within the desired Classroom Card, click People.
The People page is divided into two sections. Learn how to navigate the Teachers and Students sections, by clicking the tabs below.
- Invite Teacher to the Classroom: Add a co-teacher to your classroom.
- Bulk Actions: Add Coins or Remove the teachers in bulk.
- Find Teacher: Search for an assigned teacher in the current classroom.
- Sort by: Sort the teacher list by first name, last name, or username.
- Teacher Actions: Add Coins or Remove individual teachers from accessing the classroom.
Co-teachers will have the same level of access and permissions as primary teachers. This includes being able to change the week order, week visibility, and manage all aspects of the classroom. Co-teachers can also modify, grade, and change the availability for weekly assessments, Customized Content, and vocabulary reviews. See more details in the How to Share a Class article.
Three Dots Menu:
- Transfer Student: Bring a student into the classroom by entering their username and password.
- Import Google Classroom Students: Import students directly from your Google Classroom.
- Create Multiple Students: Type in a list of student names and the username/password will be created for you.
- Import Student: Import your students from last year.
- Import Students (CSV): Import a spreadsheet with student names, usernames, and passwords.
- Move Students: Move students individually or in bulk to a different classroom.
- Print Students’ Information: Print cards or a list with student usernames and passwords.
- Generate Student Join Codes: Enter the number of student accounts you’d like, then print directions for students to create their accounts.
- Create a new student: Enter a student’s first and last name, username, and password to create their account and add them to the classroom.
- Bulk Actions: Edit or Drop more than one student at a time.
- Find a Student: Search the list of students in the current classroom.
- Sort by: Sort the student list by first name, last name, or username.
Individual Student Actions:
- Edit: Change a student’s credentials and toggle additional features on or off. This includes Accessibility, Crossword Word Bank, Vocabulary Definitions, Audio Reader, and Delay after wrong answer. Student accounts that were created by Simple CSV, Clever, and One Roster will show Rostered N/A for the Password and cannot be edited.
- Log In As: Log in as the student.
- Add Coins: Award coins to a student and add an optional note.
Drop: Remove a student so they can’t access the classroom. Dropped students can be viewed by clicking on the DROPPED STUDENTS tab. Students can be recovered after being dropped.
Teachers can also apply bulk actions to multiple students at once. Visit the How to Edit Student Accounts article and How to Move Students article.
Accessibility tools can be enabled for individual students by clicking the toggle button. By default Accessibility is disabled.
To learn more, view the How to Use Accessibility Tools in Studies Weekly Online article here.