Navigating the Family Dashboard


Parents, guardians, and caregivers can be given view-only access to see everything a student sees within their Studies Weekly Online account, including coins, notifications, Notes, the To Do list, and progress within Publications.

Accept the Email Invitation Navigate the Family Dashboard

When a teacher sends a family email invitation, the family member will receive an email from Studies Weekly titled "Studies Weekly Family Invite."

    1. Click the link inside the email to accept the invitation. 

    2. After the link is selected, the family member will fill out a form to register for a family account. Fill out all fields and click Register Account.

      Passwords must contain a minimum of 5 characters, including one capital letter and one number.

    3. Once registered, click the link to log in at
    4. As a reminder the username is the family member’s email. Enter the password you created and click Log In.


If you want family access, please reach out to your student's teacher. Teachers can find instructions to send the family email invitation in the How to Edit Student Accounts article under the Edit Individual Students tab.