How To Use the Highlighting Tool

Students can highlight text and media (images, videos, audio) and add notes in their publications. If a student highlights a word or phrase that is listed as a weekly vocabulary word, they will be able to read and listen to the definition. Highlights can be made in Articles, Activities, Customized Content, and Explore More.

To add highlights and notes, students will choose the article they would like to read.

  • Highlight Text: Click and drag the cursor over the section of text, they want to highlight. For Activities only, highlights must be saved before clicking Submit at the end of the highlight gif.gif
  • Image: Click any article image to enlarge it. Select the highlight button to write a note.
  • Video:  Select a video from the publication or inside Explore more and find the highlighter button.


 iPad Users:

If using an iPad, you can highlight text by placing your finger on the first word you want to highlight. Hold it until the word turns blue, then drag your finger across the remaining words you want to highlight. Once you release your finger the blue selection bubbles appear. Do not lift your finger until all the text you want to highlight has been selected. The following steps in the process are the same as they would be on a computer.

From there, students can:

  1. Click the Play button to hear the audio for the highlighted selection.
  2. Click anywhere inside the Notes box to enter your notes.
  3. Click the X to close the dialog box and not save your work.
  4. Click any of the colored circles to choose a highlighting color. The selected color will appear with a checkmark.
  5. Weekly vocabulary words and phrases are found within the articles. Students can read and listen to the definition of a vocabulary word or phrase, when it is highlighted. The definition appears at the bottom of the dialog box. Vocabulary definitions can be disabled by teachers under the Edit Students tab from the People page.
  6. Click SAVE to record your notes and highlights.
  7. To remove an existing highlight and note, click anywhere on the highlight. In the dialog box, click the Trash Can.