Teachers can manage their content, like custom quizzes, on the Customized Content page. This article will cover the options for all Customized Content and actions available for each option.
Making edits to an existing Studies Weekly Online assessment creates a new copy that appears on the Customized Content page. Unedited weekly assessments and Crosswords will not appear on this page.
From your Studies Weekly Online account and within the desired Classroom Card, click the Customized Content button.
Customized Content, whether it’s created within the publication or on the Customized Content page, shows under the student’s To Do tab. It will only show within the publication if you create or add it within the publication (see the How to Add Previously Created Content article).
Options for All Customized Content
The options on the top bar allow you to find, sort, and add Customized Content and select from other Actions.
- Find Customized Content: Search for a Customized Content you’ve already created.
- Sort By: Sort customized content by Created Date, Due Date, or Title.
Create Customized Content: See the How to Create Customized Content article
Actions: Import tests from Legacy Studies Weekly Online or refresh Customized Content.
Visible to Students: This toggle allows you to make Customized Content visible or invisible to students.
Actions for Individual Customized Content
In the To Do section of the Customized Content page, teachers will see all customized content assignments with a future due date.
The Archived section will show all the customized content assignments with an expired due date.
To the left of the title of each Customized Content, teachers will see the Move icon . This allows teachers to reorder their view of content with a drag and drop. This will also reorder content in the students To Do tab.
Important Note
To change the order of your Customized Content, you must use the dropdown box and navigate to To Do Order. You may also need to clear your cookies and cache if you do not see the Move icon.To the right of each piece of Customized Content, select the three dots to see the actions available.
This gives you an inside look at exactly what your students will see when they open the assigned Customized Content. Click on the title you want to open, to see the Student View.
See a Print Preview and/or Print the questions in the Customized Content by selecting the Teacher Actions button.
Grade Customized Content submissions and leave comments for students.
It also has the option to Allow Retake for each student.
To learn more about grading and allowing retakes, view the Grade Section in the Help Center.
View how the class did on each Customized Content question. Teachers can select a Test Question on the left to see a graph and chart of how students answered that question.
You can also select Customized Content Overview to see a Student Score Overview. This shows a list of students and their scores, and graphs them side by side.
The drop down menu also allows you to select Question Type Overview. This shows a list of students and their scores, but graphs them by percentage.
Edit the title, instructions, dates/times, or decide if you want to Randomize Questions. Changes can also be made to the questions if no students have started the Customized Content.
As long as no students have started the Customized Content, the teacher can add or make edits to questions, answers, and the point value.
When the Customized Content does have responses submitted by any student:
- Teachers can make changes to the Title, Instructions, and Start/End Date at any time.
If a teacher attempts to make edits to Questions, Answers, or Point Value after any student has begun the Customized Content a pop-up will appear stating “A student has already started the “Insert title of Customized Content” so the Customized Content can no longer be modified. Click OK to create a copy, make any changes, and then click “Create” to save it!”
- If a teacher does not want to proceed with changes they will click the Cancel button (X in top right corner of the pop-up).
- If “Ok” button is clicked, the teacher is taken to a copy of the original Customized Content so the user can make any changes and then click “Create.”
To learn more, visit the Customized Content section of the Help Center.