Digital Printable Question Type

Digital Printables allow students to interact with a printable created by Studies Weekly. Students can interact with the Digital Printable in the following ways:

  • Free draw (with color and line size options)
  • Add basic shapes (with color and thickness options)
  • Write/type (with font, color, and format options)
  • Highlight (with color options)
  • Earn coins

Teachers will need to grade this question type. To share a Digital Printable created by Studies Weekly with students, follow the initial steps in the How to Create Customized Content article, then from the Add button, select Digital Printables

Choose the Publication, Unit, and Week:

Click a thumbnail to see a preview.

If necessary, the Digital Printable can be rotated so students view it right-side-up. Select the Add button in the bottom right corner of the modal. 

When you are ready to share the Digital Printable with students, click Create.

Visit the article How to Use the Drawing Tool to learn how students will complete Digital Printables.