Hot Spot Question Type

Hot Spot questions require students to click a specific part or parts of an image to answer a question. The image could be anything with identifiable parts. Teachers may create their own Hot Spot Questions using our Customized Content feature, or edit your own copy of existing Studies Weekly Online Content to include Hot Spot questions.

The Customized Content feature can be accessed directly from the Table of Contents of a publication, the Customized Content tab, or the Search page. For detailed information on creating customized content from any of those locations please view the How to Create Customized Content article.

Once you have chosen where to create your customized Hot Spot question, follow these steps: 

    1. Enter a Title and Instructions.
    2. Select a Start Date and Due Date (the default due date is one week from the start date).
    3. Select a Start Time and Due Time (the default start time is 12:00 AM and the default due time is 11:59 PM).                                                           
    4. Click the +Add button and select Hot Spot from the list of Question types.


Now it's time to create your questions. 

    1. Type the Question: When typing the question for students, teachers can choose from several font and paragraph options. 
    2. Add or Upload and image:  Select the Add Image Button. Then choose whether you want to Search Studies Weekly images or Upload one you have already saved to your device.
    3. Then choose whether you want to Search Studies Weekly images or Upload one you have already saved to your device.
    4. Add Hot Spots: When you're ready to add Hot Spots, click the exact location on the image where you would like it to appear. This will place the first Hot Spot.
          • After the Hot Spot has been placed, it can be adjusted by using your cursor or the arrows in the axis boxes. Teachers can name the Hot Spots or chose to leave them Empty.
          • To add additional Hot Spots, click the image again. To remove Hot Spots click the red X on the right side of the Clue box.
    5.  Add Clues: If you would like to add optional Clues for your students, type the clue text in the top box of each Hot Spot. Hot Spot boxes may also be left empty/hidden with the toggle shown below. If more than one Hot Spot has been added, the correct answer(s) will need to be toggled.
    6. When finished placing your Hot Spot(s) you can choose to adjust the Point Value, Color, and Language. The language chosen from the dropdown determines the voice that will read the question out loud. If Spanish is chosen a voice with a Spanish accent will be active. If English is chosen, a voice with an American English accent will be active. 
    7. Click Create in the bottom right corner to save the question. Your Customized Content will now be available for students.