October 2024 Product Updates

Manual Sync of District Roster

District Admins (currently using an automated rostering method with Studies Weekly Online) have the ability to request a manual sync of their district roster rather than calling Customer Support for assistance. Follow the steps in the Manual Sync of District Roster article.

Family Role Accounts can be Added in Bulk Edit Students

Teachers can add family emails to multiple students at once using the Bulk Edit feature in the People section. Find the steps in the How to Edit Student Accounts article. Family emails will only be created after the teacher clicks the paper airplane.

Teachers Can Share Customized Content with District Admins

Teachers can share their Customized Content with district admins. In turn district admins can use that to create District Customized Content. Steps can be found in Sharing Customized Content Teacher to Teacher and the How to Create and Share District Customized Content articles.

Email Notification When Receiving District Customized Content

When district admins share District Customized Content, teachers not only get a notification in their Studies Weekly Online notifications, they will also receive an email confirming the District Customized content has been shared with them.

Ability to Add Lesson Walkthroughs and External Resources in Customized Content

Teachers can add external resources such as Google slides, videos, images, etc. as Customized Content. Visit the articles How to Create Customized Content and Understanding Question Types in the Help Center.