The Studies Weekly Online Rubric is a resource for teachers and students that defines scoring criteria for a specific assignment, project, or assessment. Rubrics, when available, can be found in the Table of Contents of publications for both teachers and students.
Each rubric will contain four columns:
- The Not Yet! column allows for comments to indicate the evidence has not quite reached the success criteria.
- The Rubric Criteria defines what is expected of the student to show adequate performance and quality of work on the task.
- The Score is the rating the student will get for each outlined criterion, with a total score for the submission.
- The For Sure! column allows for teacher comments to indicate how a student successfully met or exceeded the criterion.
Students will submit their work offline and teachers will record student scores and leave comments in the Rubric tab of the Grade section. To begin leaving comments or scores, visit the How to Navigate the Grade Section article.
Teachers and students can communicate in both the Not Yet! and For Sure! columns of the rubric before, during, and after the submission and scoring process.
To send an individual comment click the Paper Airplane.
Selecting Save, Next Student or Previous Student will send all comments that have not been individually sent.
Students and teachers will get a comment alert in their Notification Center every time a comment is sent. For more detailed information, visit the How to Navigate the Grade Section article.
Teachers can award full or partial credit for each criterion by typing the value in the Score boxes. Scores can be edited anytime or left blank until full credit is ready to be awarded. Students will get a Rubric Grade Alert in their Notification Center after each time their teacher clicks the Save button.
To learn more about scoring Rubrics, visit the How to Navigate the Grade Section article.