District Customized Content Report

District admins can see student responses and scores for District Customized Content in the District Customized Content Report.

  1. From your Studies Weekly Online account, select the District Customized Content Report from the District Admin tab in the primary navigation bar at the top of the screen.

  2. Use the Search bar, Date feature, Filter, or scroll down the list to navigate to the content you want to view. District Customized Content must be shared with teachers to view the report. If Filters are used Status, Visibility, and Grade filters will only be available to select if you select District Customized content from the Type.
  3. After content is selected, the item questions will be visible and individual question boxes can be unchecked to focus on specific questions within the Customized Content. (See box 1 in the image below.)

    Each school will show the Number Completed out of the Number of Students the content was assigned to, and the Average Score for each school. (See box 2 in the image below.)

    Use the Back button to switch to different District Customized Content options or use the Search bar to quickly find schools.


    If District Customized Content includes questions that require grading, assigned schools will not appear on the list until the student responses have been graded by a teacher.

  4. Select a school to view classroom scores. District admins can see the teachers assigned to each classroom and use the Filter to adjust the date range for when the students completed the selected Customized Content.
  5. After a classroom is selected, the questions remain visible and individual student scores are displayed. 
  6. To see how individual students answered each question, select a student’s name. A review page will pop-up and can be printed.

Teachers can view student responses and scores in the Customized Content Report.