Students can quickly access their notes and highlights in assigned publications. The Notes tab will include saved highlights (in the students selected color) and any notes they typed and saved within the publication.
There are two ways students can access their saved Notes.
From your Studies Weekly Online account, click the Notes button under the name of the classroom you wish to enter.
In Notes, students will be able to select the following items:
- Publication Dropdown: Switch between assigned publications. If a student only has one publication assigned, they will not be able to use this feature. If a student did not create highlights or notes, they will see “There are no highlights or notes for this publication.”
- Search bar: Search highlighted text and annotations made by the student.
- Filter by Unit or Week: The default view is the entire publication, but students can use the filters to jump to a specific unit or week within the selected publication.
- Article, Week and Unit Labels: Hyperlinks will take the student to that part of the publication in their current classroom. There students can edit, delete, or create new notes and highlights.
- Print button: A printer friendly version of the student's highlights and notes.
Teachers may wish to view this feature as a student. To do so, teachers will go to the People tab and Login As any student in their classroom. For steps on how to login as a student, view the Individual Student Actions section of the How to Navigate the People Page article.
To learn how to create highlights and notes, view the How To Use the Highlighting Tool article.