How Students View Their Scores

Students can see some of their scores immediately after submitting activities and assessments. If the submission has questions that require teacher grading (e.g., open response), then students will see the message “Some questions still need to be graded.” Once the teacher grades it, students can view their score online.

To see their overall scores for each week, students can:

  1. Click on a publication in a Class Card or click the View All Publications button.
  2. Once a publication has been selected, the Table of Contents will open and students will see which assessments they have taken and their percentage score.

To see their scores for each teacher created task, students can:

  1. Go to the To Do tab.
  2. Click the Graded tab.
  3. Click the Review button on the task they want to see.

When reviewing their submissions, students will see the number of attempts, date and score. For each submission they will be able to:

  • See questions they answered correctly in green.
  • See questions they answered incorrectly in red and the correct answer.
  • See any open response questions their teacher needs to grade.
  • Comment on their response or score by typing in the text box and clicking the send button.

Visit the How Students Access Retakes article to learn more.