How to Navigate Rostering and Integrations

If districts choose to use Studies Weekly to roster their accounts, they can create and manage user accounts for teachers and students district-wide through a variety of automated processes. Studies Weekly is also able to collect roster data through third-party applications, such as ClassLink or Clever. 

Each user included in the data that is sent through the roster connection will be given a Studies Weekly Online account and will be assigned either a district admin, teacher, co-teacher, or student role. The users will also be assigned to the classroom(s) specified in the roster data.

Studies Weekly recommends adjusting the sharing rules specific to the subject (Social Studies, Science, Early Learning, or Health and Wellness) depending on what your district has ordered. This will reduce confusion and prevent unnecessary classrooms from being created within each user account. If your SIS is not able to filter down the data you send us, the OneRoster CSV option below may be a better solution for you.

Third Party Integrations API CSV File Upload Integration

ClassLink is one of our third-party applications that has very little maintenance and setup. Once the connection is established, Studies Weekly Online accounts will be created based on the data shared from ClassLink. Studies Weekly can import your school's roster directly from ClassLink to synchronize your schools' user accounts each night. Your district will be able to choose what data is shared with Studies Weekly through ClassLink. The users and classrooms that were shared will be created in Studies Weekly Online. They will be able to log in to their ClassLink account and find the Studies Weekly application to launch their Studies Weekly Online account.

To set up this integration with ClassLink, locate the Studies Weekly application in ClassLink and begin sharing data with Studies Weekly. Email to inform them you’d like to utilize ClassLink and that you have started sharing data with Studies Weekly. They will then inform you of the next steps.


Clever is another third-party application that integrates with Studies Weekly. A connection with Clever requires your district to request to connect with Studies Weekly by locating the Studies Weekly application in Clever’s application library and requesting to connect. Once the connection is approved by someone on Studies Weekly’s team, your district can begin sharing data with us. You’ll want to ensure your district has purchased Studies Weekly publications so your users can gain access through their Clever portal. 

After your connection is approved and the launch date is established, Studies Weekly will create user accounts. Users will be able to log in to their Clever account and find the Studies Weekly application to launch their Studies Weekly Online account. 

If you add schools to the roster data at any point during your integration with Studies Weekly, the change will need to be approved by someone on Studies Weekly’s rostering team.


Once your users are rostered, publications will be auto-assigned based on data provided in the roster. For example, if you provide the class grade level in the data, publications will be assigned to that classroom automatically for that grade level. If grade data is not provided, no publications will be auto-assigned and teachers will need to manually add publications to their classrooms. Teachers can add or remove publications by following these instructions.


For information about the SFTP server, to request SFTP credentials, to request district admin credentials, or if anything is not working as expected, please contact our rostering support team at