End-of-Year Rostering FAQs

Many districts and schools are rostered through the Studies Weekly platform. At the end of each school year, you will need to close out your rostered accounts. See further info below.

What do we need to do to close out the year?

We recommend that teachers and admin gather any data and reports needed for their documentation before June 30. This is when all current school year order access will be turned off.

Teachers and admin can view the Studies Weekly Reports section and the article How to Navigate the Grade Section within the knowledge base for resources on how to gather this information.


Schools with summer school publications will have access to those publications from May 15 to August 1. You can visit the Studies Weekly Data & Legal Policy for more online access information.

Does anything need to be done to the accounts from the district/school side?

No action needs to be taken on the district’s/school’s end to close out rostered accounts.

When do we need to get ready for the beginning of the year?

We recommend you confirm that your roster information is up to date and that user accounts are appearing as they should by mid-summer. If you have rostered with us in the previous school year, and you are not making roster changes, you do not need to contact us. 

If you will be changing roster types for the next school year, you need to fill out the rostering form on the Studies Weekly Rostering Page. Any rostering admins who are making minor changes, such as adding new schools to the roster, or anyone with specific questions can email rostering@studiesweekly.com.

What will happen to accounts if we change rostering types? Will teacher and student data remain?

Existing accounts and rosters cannot be merged. Choosing a new rostering option can result in a loss of student and teacher data. A new roster type will create new accounts for all users.

Our district will be adjusting some data in our rosters over the summer. Will this affect accounts?

Normally changes to data only affects accounts if that changed data is: the SIS ID, Clever/Classlink ID, username, and/or email (if the email is also the username). If there are other specific data changes that you still have questions about, please reach out to rostering@studiesweekly.com.

How soon will teachers gain access to Studies Weekly materials through the roster?

Online access for the next school year’s orders will begin June 15. As long as an order is placed and the roster is set up, the teachers should be able to access their materials.