OneRoster API - Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Direct Connection
Instead of going through a third party like Clever or ClassLink, your district can connect with Studies Weekly directly by setting up a roster server through your Student Information System (SIS).
Automated Roster Updates
After we set up the API connection between your roster and Studies Weekly Online, your roster data will be scheduled to sync on a nightly basis. If you ever need to add or remove a teacher or student, change a class, or update the credentials on an account, these updates will be automatically processed during the nightly sync.
Single Sign-On through Google
If the teacher and student accounts are rostered using Google-sourced emails for the usernames of the accounts, you can quickly and easily access Studies Weekly Online without the need to memorize a username or password.
After verifying their Google Account, students and teachers can use one of the following options to automatically log in each time:
1. Go through our Single Sign-on interface
2. Go to and select the LOGIN WITH GOOGLE button.
Google Classroom
After setting up teacher and student accounts with Google-sourced email addresses, teachers can utilize the Google Classroom integration in Studies Weekly Online.