Hardware FAQs

What are your hardware specifications?

Studies Weekly's online content site is designed as a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) service. It can be used with many hardware and software platforms. 

Any device that can run the most recent versions of a major web browser (e.g., Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge) with JavaScript enabled can access Studies Weekly content. See the Technical Requirements article for more detail.


Do you work with iPads?

Yes, iPads capable of running a recent version of iOS and an up-to-date web browser can access Studies Weekly's online content.

See the Technical Requirements article for more detail.


What settings are required to work with iPads (e.g., pop-ups, whitelisting, browser requirements, space)?

The iPad should have a recent iOS operating system, an up-to-date web browser, and JavaScript enabled.

Some districts have strict firewall rules. See the Which websites does my IT department need to whitelist? article for a full list of websites to whitelist.


Do you have an iPad app, or is it web-based?

Studies Weekly's online site currently operates as a web-based service. You just need an up-to-date web browser to access Studies Weekly Online content. Studies Weekly does not plan on releasing a standalone app in the near future. See the Technical Requirements article for more detail.


How often do you update the app?

Studies Weekly frequently updates its online web service. Major version updates are planned for release between school terms.If you need support or have feedback, click on Submit a request in the upper right-hand corner of this page.