Teachers can get the full Studies Weekly Online experience for 60 days—free of charge! The Studies Weekly Online platform includes lesson plans, games, virtual field trips, highlighting/note taking, science lab videos, thousands of primary sources, and more.
To create a free trial account, go to online.studiesweekly.com/trial.
- Fill in the requested information.
- Click Request Account.
- You will receive an email with the instructions to complete the signup process. You may need to check your spam.
See the Getting Started section of the Help Center to learn about the many features available to teachers including instructions for using Studies Weekly Online.
Users with existing accounts can also request a 60-day trial to view additional publications and resources.
Trial publications must be assigned to a classroom. You can use an existing classroom or create a new one.
If you have not yet created a classroom visit the How to Create A Classroom article then continue to step 2 and add trial publications.
Select View All Publications to view the available publications.
Select Start 60 Day Trial.
Select the publications you wish to trail and then select Add to view their content.
Student Data
Any student progress completed during the trial period will remain with the classroom. To view progress after the trial period, the publication must be purchased.
Homeschoolers cannot do free trials of the curriculum, so please order your product before creating an online account.
To test out our printed publications, visit the How to Request a Sample article.
If you have any questions, contact us at (866) 311-8734.