Professional Development Classroom

(Currently available to support unpacking the TEKS in Texas Science publications.)

The Professional Development section allows admins to create a classroom for educators and assign an on-demand Professional Development Publication. It can only be assigned by a district or school admin in Studies Weekly Online and is not visible to students.

The Professional Development Publication assigned to the classroom looks just like a student publication. Users who are enrolled, will answer Article Questions, just like a student. District or school admins will have access to view teachers’ completion in the Gradebook. 

Create Grade

To assign the publication to teachers, the district or school admin must first create a Professional Development classroom. Select the Professional Development tab from the top navigation bar.

After selecting the Professional Development button for the first time, admins will be prompted to create their classroom.

Additional classrooms can be created using the Create Classroom button in the top right corner of the screen.


Step 1 of 3: Enter Classroom Information

Changes can be made to the class name, dates, or class image after saving, by visiting the Classroom Settings of the Classroom Card. 

Step 2 of 3: Choose Publication

The available Professional Development Publication(s) will depend on your district or school. Select the available publication and choose Continue in the bottom right corner.

Step 3 of 3: Assign Users

District admins can assign teachers throughout the district to the Professional Development class. School admins creating a class, can assign teachers or other admins within their building to the class.

Studies Weekly Online users registered as a district or school admin can be given access to participate in the class as an Admin or Teacher. These users will have a checkbox beside their name for both the Admin column and the Teacher column (when selecting users for the class). Examples of admin users in the image below include Hazel Nutt and Marsha Mellow.

  • Selecting the Admin Checkbox will allow Gradebook access and users will navigate as if teaching the class. Additionally, they can assign or remove teachers.
  • If the Teacher Checkbox is selected, those users will participate in the Professional Development class as a student and can only see their own progress.

After choosing schools and user roles with the Checkboxes, finish by selecting Create Classroom.

If you need to add or remove users after creating the classroom, visit the People section of the Classroom Card.



After teachers have been assigned to a class, the Professional Development publication will be available in their dashboard.