Rostering - ClassLink FAQs

Click through the tabs below to see answers to commonly asked questions in regard to rostering with ClassLink.

Is there a cost associated with rostering through ClassLink?
Studies Weekly does not charge districts to roster with ClassLink. However, as with other third-party rostering services, we require that publications be purchased for your students and teachers so they can fully utilize Studies Weekly Online.
Can non-teacher staff and administrator accounts be created through ClassLink rostering?
Yes, Studies Weekly Online does support staff and administrators shared through the ClassLink roster. These users will either be given the teacher role, school administrator role, or district administrator role, depending on the level of access specified by you in the Studies Weekly Online account. To add a user to the ClassLink roster as staff or admin, please reach out to ClassLink support.
Which Studies Weekly SSO application should I download from the Global Application Library in ClassLink?
The Studies Weekly Online 3.0 Oauth2 application, with the blue Studies Weekly logo, is our most up-to-date SSO application.
What will happen to our existing accounts?
Studies Weekly Online will determine account continuity based on the sourcedId and email fields of your shared OneRoster user records. If the user has the same email OR sourcedId in their new ClassLink OneRoster record as in their previous OneRoster CSV record, then the new ClassLink roster will seamlessly merge into the existing account. If both the sourcedId and email fields for the new record is different, a new account will be created for the user, and the old account will be disabled.
Will existing data merge to new accounts?
Existing data will merge into new accounts if the account has a matching email OR sourcedID. If not, then the new account will not retain any data from the old account.
How do non-teacher accounts get created, and how will those users log in?

Studies Weekly accommodates non-primary teachers enrolled in additional classrooms in your OneRoster records. The additional teachers will have the same access to the classroom as the primary teacher. OneRoster aides and proctors are given the teacher role in Studies Weekly Online. OneRoster administrators are given the "district administrator" role in Studies Weekly Online. Non-admin users must be enrolled in the class they wish to access in Studies Weekly Online. If they do not have an enrollment record for the class, it will not be accessible from their account. Even if they are not enrolled in any rostered classes, your users can access Studies Weekly Online and manually create a test classroom to access the online publications.

Rostered users will sign in to Studies Weekly Online either by entering from the SWO 3.0 Application within ClassLink or using the "LOG IN WITH CLASSLINK" button on our login page. Users with manually created accounts will have to sign in using their credentials at the standard login page.

When should we begin this process to be ready for activation?
Once your district has added the Studies Weekly Online application to ClassLink and enabled roster sharing, we can change your roster configuration to use ClassLink and sync the new data immediately. This can be done at any time, but we recommend that it be done at least a week before the accounts and classrooms are needed so that we can make sure that everything is working without issue.