How to Access and Navigate Teacher Resources

Each Studies Weekly Online publication has Teacher Resources to support educators utilizing our materials and tailor classes to meet student needs. Teacher Resources can include a Scope and Sequence, Standards Correlation, lesson plans, vocabulary lists, printables, and additional resources. Available resources can vary from one publication to another. This article covers how to locate the Teacher Resources button and navigate the resources within.

The Teacher Edition is a PDF document that can be found in the Table of Contents and at the week level within the Teacher Resources.

Access Navigating

Teachers can access helpful resources from the Teacher Resources button in the Table of Contents, or from within an article.

Teacher Resources Button

From your Studies Weekly Online account, click the publication you wish to open in the desired Classroom Card or click View All Publications.

Once a publication has been selected click the Teacher Resources button. 

The Teacher Resources will open in a new browser tab. From there, teachers can click to view different information and quick links at the Publication, Unit, Week, and Article or Activity level. They can even print what is on screen for each section.

Article or Activity

On an Article or Activity page, teachers can access the Teacher Resources by clicking the Teacher Resources button next to the Teacher Actions dropdown.

Teachers could also access the Teacher Edition PDF for the week (if applicable).*

Table of Contents

Teacher Resources are available at the Publication, Unit, Week, and Article level in the Table of Contents. Teachers can open to resources specific to a desired week rather than the entire publication. 

After opening a publication, find the Teacher button for your desired level. 

After choosing a unit, week, or article select Teacher Resources. The link will open in a new browser tab.



*Teachers can also access the weekly Student and Teacher Edition PDFs within the (A.) Teacher Resources button and (B.) Table of Contents. The Teacher Edition PDF contains the lesson plans for the week and may also contain Answer Keys. 

A: Selecting the Teacher Resources button above the Table of Contents takes you to the Publication level resources. Then you can navigate to the Unit, Week, and Article/Activity. When a PDF is selected it will open in a new browser tab. 

B: If available, buttons to open the PDFs will be shown to the right of the week on the Table of Contents. After selecting a PDF button, it will open in a new browser tab and can be downloaded or printed. 

The Teacher Edition and Student Edition PDFs are not always available.