This article is for any user viewing Studies Weekly on a small browser window or a small device such as a tablet, iPad, Chromebook, or smartphone. Key differences include the appearance of menu and navigation buttons, the Table of Contents view, and the Teacher Resources.
If you are viewing Studies Weekly Online on a smaller screen, you may need to rotate the device for optimal viewing.
- The hamburger Menu
in the top right corner contains navigation options chosen for you by the Administrator. These can include Classrooms, Training and Resources, and Professional Development.
- Accessibility (if enabled), Search, Notifications, and the Account Profile buttons will appear in the top right corner just as on a larger device.
After a classroom is selected, there is a similar hamburger Menu option in the top left corner. This contains the navigation options for that classroom
Use the Quick Navigation dropdown to change between weeks within the publication.
To select a new publication, click the blue dropdown at the top of the page next to the name of the current publication. To change articles in a week, click the dropdown next to the name of the current article.
Students can access and change weeks and articles in a week from the same location.
For teachers viewing the Teacher Resources on a smaller screen, you will need to scroll down to see the content below the navigation tabs.