How does Studies Weekly Online look on a smaller screen?

This article is for any user who is viewing Studies Weekly using a smaller browser window or a smaller device such as a tablet/iPad, Chromebook, or smartphone to view Studies Weekly Online content. Some key differences include the appearance of menu and navigation buttons, the Table of Contents view, and the Teacher Edition.

Menu and Navigation Buttons

If you are viewing Studies Weekly Online on a smaller screen, you won’t see navigation buttons on the left side.  This is what the navigation experience will look like from the Account Dashboard: 

  1. The collapsable Menu Screenshot_2022-11-22_at_08.56.34.png in the top left corner contains navigation options for the Account Dashboard.
  2. The Search button will appear in the top right corner. This is only available on teacher and admin accounts.
  3. Buttons will appear at the bottom of the page. For teachers, this includes the Account, Classes, and Training & Resources buttons. For students, the Classrooms button appears here.


Clicking the Menu Screenshot_2022-11-22_at_08.56.34.pngbutton from the Account Dashboard will show the options that normally display on the left-hand bar. 


After a classroom is selected, there is a similar collapsable Menu Screenshot_2022-11-22_at_08.56.34.pngoption in the top left corner. This contains the navigation options for that classroom (e.g., Publications).



Table of Contents

If you are viewing an article in the Table of Contents on a smaller screen, you won’t see the navigation tabs on the left side of the screen. To change weeks, click the blue “Week #” dropdown text at the top of the page. To change articles in a week, click the dropdown next to the name of the current article.


Students can access and change weeks and articles in a week from the same location.


If you are using a smartphone, you may need to scroll to the right or flip the orientation to landscape to see the week or article dropdowns. The blue links at the top of the page can also help you navigate back to the Table of Contents to select a week or article.


Teacher Edition

For teachers, if you are viewing the Teacher Edition on a smaller screen, the navigation tabs move from the left side of the screen to the top of the screen. You may need to scroll down to see the content below the navigation tabs.
